Once the certification types are identified and the ideas for your activity have been planned out, based on the identified educational need, you might feel overwhelmed by the daunting list of requirements from each accrediting body regarding the ongoing implementation and management of a certified activity. AXIS will streamline and help manage the process.

Agenda Management
Accurately timed agendas are very important for calculating credit/contact hour calculations. Breaks, meals, award ceremonies, etc, do not receive credit/contact hours so an accurate and organized timed agenda must be part of all management protocols. AXIS knows the requirements of all certifying bodies and regulatory agencies in this regard. For example, some accrediting bodies do not permit credits/contact hours in 0.25 increments, and a few accrediting bodies use a “50-minute hour” to calculate a final credit/contact hour amount. AXIS can help you build your agenda to ensure that your event receives a maximum number of credits/contact hours.

Commercial Support Documentation/Management
An ineligible company is defined by the ACCME, ACPE, and ANCC as any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. For specific examples of ineligible companies visit accme.org/standards. If you receive support (dollars) from an ineligible company, AXIS will help you manage the specific processes and protocols, including a letter of agreement (LOA), to document this information.

Faculty Collaboration
AXIS will be the hub between you and your faculty to ensure that all parties understand their responsibilities and obligations regarding the planning, implementation, and evaluation of certified education. AXIS will create an information packet for all faculty to review and return, including:
- Checklist with due dates for all materials
- Faculty information form
- Biographical data form
- Financial disclosure form
In addition, when a multi-day, multi-session conference is being planned, AXIS will help you manage the list of multiple speaker requirements that many accrediting bodies and agencies require.

Content Development and Measurable Objectives
Partnering with your faculty to create a robust activity is a critical task. There are very specific information requirements that must be captured and communicated correctly when developing certified education. AXIS will help ensure all the little details of the activity—title of activity, location, dates, description, evidence of educational need, measureable learning objectives—are in place.
Here is a helpful resource on how to write well-written and measurable learning objectives.

AXIS will provide you with a checklist outlining requirements for all marketing materials, advertising, and web postings (sometimes called the activity "front matter"). This required information must be clearly communicated in these materials.
See what items AXIS looks for on marketing and promotion materials.